Hi. I wanted to post to remind everyone to go ahead and turn on your Monitor or Laser Heater before it gets really cold.
Test it out and make sure everything working correctly. If you have any problems or your heater has not been serviced in a while, call to make an appointment to bring your heater into the shop. Click here for details.
If you are not local and don't have a service technician in your area, call for a technician consult appointment. Our technician will walk you through diagnosis and repair over the phone. We get lots of calls from customers that have spent several hours and sometimes several hundred dollars on parts trying to repair or rebuild their heater. They are frustrated and the heater is still not working. It is really worth the $49 / hour tech consultation to get the job done correctly and quickly.
We have an extensive inventory of both used and new parts - just let us know if you can't find the part you need in our Web Store and if we have it or if we can get it, we will list it for you. Local pick up is available if you prefer.
Test out your backup Portable Kerosene Heater - make an appointment to bring it in for a wick replacement or go ahead and purchase an extra wick to have on hand when you need it. Contact us if you need help finding the correct wick for your heater.
Please contact us if you have questions or if we can be of assistance in any way. Stay warm!!!